""Sex-education and Its Relation to Sex-hygiene and Social Hygiene.""
Sidenote: Definition of sex-education.
Sex-education in its largest sense includes all scientific, ethical,
social, and religious instruction and influence which directly and
problems of sex that inevitably come in some form into the life of
indirectly may help young people prepare to solve for themselves the
young people prepare to solve for themselves the problems of sex", for,
every normal human individual. Note the carefully guarded phrase "help
like education in general, special sex-education cannot possibly do
Sidenote: More than sex-hygiene.
more than help the individual prepare to face the problems of life.
Now, sex-education as thus defined is more extensive than sex-hygiene,
which term was originally applied to instruction concerning sex.
processes, and as such it is a convenient subdivision of the science of
Sex-hygiene obviously refers to health as influenced by sexual
health. It would be quite satisfactory as a name for popular
hygienic; but in a later lecture it will be shown that the most
instruction concerning sex if that were strictly, or even primarily,
desirable sex-instruction is only in a minor part a problem of hygiene.
latest educational movement from the standpoint of physical health, and
I realize that this statement may be declared heretical by many of the
present-day advocates of sex-hygiene, because they have approached this
especially because their attention has been drawn to the very common
inadequate without great stress upon certain ethical, social, and other
occurrence of pathological conditions. Nevertheless, the sexual
problems of our times do not all affect physical health, which hygiene
aims to conserve; and the sex-educational movement will be quite
statement that "sex-hygiene" is altogether too limited as a general
aspects of sex. Young people need instruction that relates not only to
health but also to attitude and to morals as these three are influenced
later, but I anticipate here simply to suggest the point of view of the
by sexual instincts and relationships. This idea will be developed designation for the desirable instruction concerning sex. The continued
specific problems of health as affected by sexual processes and cease
use of the term "sex-hygiene," now that the scope of the desirable
sex-instruction has been extended far beyond the accepted limits of the
science of health, is tending to cause confusion. The educational
public more assured if we limit the use of "sex-hygiene" to the
problems will be more definite and the support of the intelligent
"sex-hygiene," and it is highly desirable that they should be used in
trying to make it include those phases of sex-instruction which have
nothing directly to do with health.
Two general terms, "sex-instruction" and "sex-education," are available
as all-inclusive designations of the desirable instruction concerning
all educational discussions where there is no specific reference to the
any aspects of sex. They are quite free from the above objections to
Sidenote: Social hygiene.
problems of health. Sex-hygiene will be used in these lectures only
when there is some direct reference to health as influenced by the
sexual functions.
Social hygiene in its complete sense means the great general movement
for the improvement of the conditions of life in all lines in which
limited to the sexual aspect of the unfortunate and unfavorable
there is social ill health or need of social reform; but it is often
hygiene" as a substitute that avoids the word "sex" in sex-hygiene. For
conditions of life, and it has been proposed to adopt the term "social
this reason it has been incorporated into the names of several
the so-called "social evil" has suggested the use of social hygiene in
societies that are interested in sex-hygiene (_e.g._, the American
Social Hygiene Association). Probably the relation of sex-hygiene to
sexual, for the larger outlook of Ellis's "Task of Social Hygiene" is
its most limited sense. It will be unfortunate if this usage becomes so
prominent that we think of the health problems of society as chiefly
definite and franker word "prostitution."
desirable. Likewise, the phrase "social evil" in the sense of sexual
evil misleadingly suggests that the only evil of society is the sexual
one, but this evasive designation is being supplanted by the more
omission, for certainly all sex-hygiene taught before the later
It should be noted that "social hygiene" as a substitute for
"sex-hygiene" is narrower in that it does not include the personal
problems of health as affected by sexual processes. This is a serious
adolescent years should be personal and not social.
Sidenote: Phases of sex-education.
The relation of sex-hygiene or social hygiene as a limited phase of
sex-education is shown by the following outline:
{ social) |
{ sex-hygiene (personal, | for sexual health
{ |
{ physiology) of | regarding sex,
{ biology (including | for attitude
{ reproduction | and for important
In the broadest { heredity and eugenics | for sexual conduct
{ | scientific facts
{ |
{ of sex |
outlook, sex-education { | leading to race
(or sex-instruction) { | improvement
{ ethics and sociology | for sexual conduct
includes: { | { |
Sidenote: Sex and reproduction.
{ psychology of sex | for sexual health
{ | and conduct
{ æsthetics of sex | for attitude
{ |
Since the original purpose of sex was perpetuation of plant and animal
species, and since in the study of biology the idea of sex is
in various types, it has been customary for many writers on
illustrated and developed by examination of the reproductive processes
synonymous. This is no longer so in human life; for while reproduction
sex-education to use the terms "sex" and "reproduction" as if they were
is a sexual process, sexual activities and influences are often quite
apart from reproduction. It therefore seems clear that, while studies
unrelated to reproduction. In fact, most of the big problems that have
made sex-education desirable, if not necessary, are problems of sex
of reproduction are prominent in sex-education, they should be regarded
as introductory to the problems of sex, especially for young people.
